Category Archives: Fun Stuff


Flying down the mountain with snow flying in my face and my heart pounding. I can see the end of the run right ahead and make one last sprint to the finish. At last, I come to a stop at the bottom of the mountain with a big smile on my face.

“Let’s do it again!” I shout. “Ok fine but just this last time,” my dad says. So we head up the ski lift again and again, gliding down new, undiscovered slopes. Even when I wipeout I laugh at myself. Everything about skiing seems to be a blast. An exhilarating rush goes through the body and I am able to forget about everything else and just have fun.

Whether I’m with my dad, my brother or my friends—skiing is one of the best things in the world. I especially like weaving through trees and getting some air on bumps and hills. It’s like a little obstacle course on skis and snow.

Nothing beats skiing with a nice cup of hot chocolate afterwards!

Photo Credit: Zach Dischner via Compfight

Brad & Laura Wedding

This past weekend, I went to my cousin Laura’s wedding. I have been anticipating this great event for quite some time now and it was a lot of fun. It was held in Dripping Springs and the site was beautiful. There was even a big bell tower that my brother and I got to ring at the end of the wedding ceremony.

Brad had always felt like family before the wedding made it official. He has been nice, funny, loving and caring to the whole family since we met him. He has always been a great guy to be around and he is always up for a competitive but playful game. Brad and Laura have seemed to really have that one in common.

In conclusion, the wedding was great and I am very happy. The food was great, too! Congratulations Brad and Laura!!!

Captain Phillips

           Last night I went to go see the movie Captain Phillips. It was a great action packed movie based on a true story. It was all about how this U.S. ship captain, Tom Hanks, was shipping cargo to African countries with his crew when their boat gets taken over by Somalian pirates. The pirates want lots of money and they are looking to kill the crew members. Then, they take Captain Phillips in a lifeboat. It is soon 4 armed Somalian pirates and the captain of the ship in a small lifeboat.
          When things are not looking good, the United States Navy comes to the rescue and saves Captain Phillips while shooting and killing 3 pirates and capturing the other. That pirate is in an American prison today in Indiana.
         Lots happened in this movie and it showed how dangerous these waters are and how amazing our Navy can be. I was amazed at how piracy really works in the ocean and I learned a lot about this topic. I highly recommend that you go see this movie in the theaters somewhere because I thought it was great.